Pioneering Green Technology in Battery Recycling

By David Thompson Featured in : Venture Capital Post Originally featured : Several states have banned the sale of new gasoline cars by 2035. That isn’t too far off. If that trend is adopted nationwide, it is predicted that a majority of passenger vehicles on the roads by 2050 will be electric. Furthermore, a 2023 report […]
From Trash to Treasure: Evolve’s Mission to Reimagine Dead Batteries and Electrify America

Story by Dennis Buckly Most of us want to shrink our carbon footprint. Some of us try; some of us succeed, and the rest, well, we need to get with the program. As for Evolve Renewable Materials, Inc. they are on top of the program and helping make it easy for the rest of us to do […]
Co-Founders Mike Vogel and Dr. Wesley Tennyson: Electrifying Humanity The Green Way

BY MICHAEL FERNANDEZ ON DECEMBER 22, 2023 A 2023 report from the International Council on Clean Transportation project states that by 2030, there will be 1.2 million batteries reaching end-of-life, 14 million in 2040, and 50 million by 2050. The same report says that “an efficient recycling of end-of-life vehicle batteries… could reduce the combined annual demand […]
The Transformation of Battery Recycling for Energy Independence

by Amanda Greyfield November 29, 2023 in Feature Technology advancements and energy consumption are constantly on the rise. Talks of sustainability and a green world are on everyone’s lips. The problem isn’t that we all want to be green; the problem lies in how we get there. One company is not only talking the talk but walking the […]